Proactive Maintenance: Keeping Your John Deere Tractor Running Smoothly

Proactive Maintenance: Keeping Your John Deere Tractor Running Smoothly

John Deere prides itself on manufacturing high-quality tractors built to last many years in the field. However, to achieve this, the owner must be proactive when it comes to maintenance and upkeep. Performing routine maintenance checks on your tractor will help you extend the longevity of the tractor and ensure that it gives its best performance. These are common checkpoints you can monitor to keep your John Deere tractor running smoothly.

Read Operator’s Manual

Before you do anything, you should be familiar with your tractor as much as possible. The only way to know your equipment best is to read the owner’s manual. This will tell you everything you need to know about your tractor including the proper lubricants and hydraulic oils your tractor needs. 


Visual Inspection

Each time you are about to perform maintenance on your tractor, you should first do a visual inspection. Look for anything that needs to be addressed immediately such as wear and tear, leaks, or holes. If you find anything that takes more than a simple fix, you should get your tractor looked at by a professional.


Clean Your Radiator

One part of your tractor that you’ll always want to keep an eye on is the radiator. The radiator cools the tractor’s engine and prevents it from overheating. A clogged radiator can lead to the failure of cooling your engine, resulting in costly repairs for your machine. Avoid using water to clean the radiator, as this can result in mud and make the clogging worse. A good solution is to use compressed air by using an air compressor.


Check Your Fluids Regularly

It is a good practice to check your fluids before every use to get ahead of any leaks or irregularities. This includes your engine oil, coolant, transmission fluid, hydraulic oil, and battery electrolyte. The engine oil on lawn tractors should be changed once a year or every 100 hours on gas models and every 200 hours on diesel models. For compact tractors, you should change your oil once a year or every 200 hours, whichever occurs first.


Check Your Tires

Just like any other vehicle, your tires are a major component of what keeps your tractor running smoothly. Regularly check your tires for damage including holes, tears, or low tread. Adjust your tire pressure as needed.


Properly Store and Cover Your Tractor

Even though your tractor might be able to log long hours outside when work is over it needs to be properly stored. You’ll want to properly cover or store your tractor to protect it from elements like rain to prevent corrosion and rust.

By following these simple protocols, you can keep your tractor running smoothly for years to come and get the best performance out of your tractor.


If your equipment needs a more thorough inspection or needs a repair don’t hesitate to come see our service department and we can take care of you.